I’m all about the voice.
Yours. Mine.
Singing. Speaking. Our identity made aural.
Let’s make some noise, shall we?
Hi! I’m Casey Erin Clark.
If you're curious about Casey the singer/actor and recording artist — here I am.
If you arrived here because you were referred to Casey the singing coach — come sing with me.
If you are familiar with my company Vital Voice Training and you’re like “wait, Casey also loves Contemporary Musical Theater Scores in Corsets and once played an Evil Soccer Mom?” — guilty as charged. Get the back story here!
I believe in the power of voices: mine and yours, raised in song or expressing the ideas that move the world forward.
Ready to make some noise together? Let’s talk.
PS: Wanna hear me sing?
I’m a singer, an actor, a recording artist, and I sight-read like a baller. Just don’t ask me to do a triple pirouette.
Singing + Audition Coach
Telling the truth on pitch is the most interesting thing you can do onstage. Let’s practice how together!
Public Speaking + Presence
Learning to use your voice is about so much more than how you SOUND. Let’s get your ideas out in the world, shall we?